Losing my early adopter credibility?
- 1986: I first used a computer (Mac Plus).
- 1990: I designed birthday party invitations for my eleventh birthday using SuperPaint. (See this and comments for people waxing poetic about MacPaint!)
- 1996: I got e-mail and first surfed the web (Lynx!). I remember the first time I saw a web browser with pictures! It was so cool--even cooler than when we got our first color TV circa 1986 (1984?).
- 1996: I learned Adobe Illustrator (was that the layout program? I can't really remember what it was called).
- 1997 or 1998: I taught myself HTML from a book and created my own website, hosted on Geocities, z"l.
- 1998-1999: I had a Mac laptop. Laptops were only just beginning to become popular. Most of my friends during my freshman year of college only had desktops. (Note that I said "had" rather than "used." This laptop was a hand-me-down from my uncle, and the battery didn't work at all. It sometimes would randomly turn off in the middle of working on something, and the only way to get it to turn back on again was to take the battery out and slam it back in quickly while hitting the power on button. Also, I think that it had an Ethernet port, but no Ethernet card, so I'm not sure I could get on the internet with it. In fact, I'm fairly sure that I couldn't. So I mostly worked in the nearby computer lab or in the basement of Hillel.)
- 1998-2003: I used Pine to check my e-mail in college, even after a web-based interface became available around 2001 or 2002. Pine was so much faster! (Attachments were a bit of a pain, though, since they required opening an FTP program.) When I graduated college, I got a free Unix shell account through Lonestar so I could just transfer my address book and all of my folders over without losing any data. I still have that account, and still (mostly) remember the important shortcuts in Pine.
- 1998-2003: I backed up all my papers on the server, using FTP.
- 1999: I got a laptop (blue, ibook, clamshell) without a floppy disk drive. This was seen as fairly insane at the time. I had a readable CD drive, but did not write to CDs. I mostly transferred files on and off using FTP, but I broke down eventually and bought an external floppy disk drive that I used maybe six times in all the years that I had and used this computer. I used this laptop continuously and all over the world from 1999 until 2004, when the "B" key issued it's last dying breath and the "S" and "I" keys were also sticky. Also, it didn't have a wireless card, which started being impractical around 2004.
- 2000: I got my first cell phone (Qualcomm! Do they still make cell phones?) during my semester off from school. (I used it for about six months, then stopped service when I returned to school.)
- 2001: I bought a Palm (actually, a Handspring, z"l) so I wouldn't have to drag my laptop around while I was doing thesis research in libraries in Israel and Cambridge. It lasted until early 2006, when I got a Palm T|X with WiFi to replace it. I still use the T|X, but the battery only lasts a few hours, so I don't use it much.
- 2003: I joined Friendster. (Remember that?)
- 2003 or 2004: I joined Facebook--one of the first 2200 to join!
- 2004: I started my first blog (I think it was 2004--might have been 2003--it was a secret one that didn't last long).
- Twitter / Home
- All You Need to Know to Tweet on Twitter - NYTimes.com
- Ten Things you Must Know before Using Twitter | Tech N’ Marketing
- Twitter search sites: The three best, and all the rest | Webware - CNET
- WeFollow: Twitter Directory and Search, Find Twitter Followers
- Hashtags
- How #FollowFriday Works - Mashable: The Social Media Guide
- 400 Twitter Feeds of Job Openings, Job Postings and Job Leads Around the World | JobMob
- Nest Unclutterer (Very good for automatically weeding out the spammers who keep following you in the hopes that you will follow them.)
- Slashdot Book Reviews Story | The Twitter Book
- Smart Bitches | Me and My Twitter
- How to Avoid Facebook and Twitter Disasters - washingtonpost.com (I think this is mostly self-evident, but maybe you won't.)
Here are some recent articles about Twitter:
- Nerd Approved
- Religion_State
- Women's Refugee Commission
- JewLearn: myjewishlearning.com
- American Jewish World Service
- Jerusalem Blueprint
- Chronicle of Philanthropy
- Reuven Werber: This is one the few individuals I follow whom I do not personally know; he has a lot of interesting links to share.
- JLearn 2.0: Jewish learning in a digital world
- David Pogue: NYT tech columnist
- Foodimentary
- GrammarCops
- Lippman Kanfer Institute: The Lippman Kanfer Institute is an action-oriented think tank for innovation in Jewish learning and engagement.
- Feministing
1. This is not quite a fair account of my life. For example, I did not purchase a digital camera until 2008, mostly because of financial considerations. I did not want to get a lousy one, and could not afford a decent one, so I stuck with my film camera. Also, I have never owned a cell phone that took photos or was smart in any way, shape, or form. Again, entirely an issue of not being able to afford either the phone or the data plan that would make a smart phone smart. There are surely other examples of general technological lag in my life that I am just not thinking of right now.
Labels: links, technology
The serious drinking problem of our generation
Labels: fun 'n games, history, science/health/environment
Evening on Jewish Psychology--"Bereavement and Loss: Between Separation and Continuity"

- Bereavement as a Decree of the Dead so as not to be Forgotten from the Heart [that's a terrible sound translating and this is why translation is so difficult!]
Professor Mordechai Rotenberg, Recipient of the Israel Prize 5769 and Head of [יושב ראש? acting head?] the Center for Jewish Psychology - Films of Memory: A Narrative of Cinema an Coping with Bereavement
Mrs. Bilha Bachrach, Alumna of the Maaleh Film School and Lecturer in School for Social Work at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem
- Clinical Perspective
Dr. Baruch Kahana, Lecturer in School for Social Work and in Clinical Psychology at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Mrs. Rut Gombo (sp?), clinical psychologist - Educational Perspective
Rabbi Ronen Ben-David, Principal of Neveh Chana Boarding School - Midrashic Perspective
Dr. Ido Hevroni, researcher in Rabbinic literature

Labels: Israel, mental health, Torah (broadly defined)
Only one very unfortunate typo out of many
Read It Later: Savior or Satan?
Science, Health, Etc.
- Basics - In a Helpless Baby, the Roots of Our Social Glue - NYTimes.com
- Discovery Online, The Skinny On ... Falling-Asleep Twitches [I get these all the time. And all these years, I thought I was the only one! Now I know what they're called!]
- Most Kidney Donors Lead Long, Healthy Lives - US News and World Report
- My Genome, My Self - Steven Pinker Gets to the Bottom of his own Genetic Code - NYTimes.com
- Pen Mightier Than Passion: Scientific American Podcast
- Personal Health - Babies Know - A Little Dirt Is Good for You - NYTimes.com [I always thought so.]
- Picture Emerging on Genetic Risks of IVF - NYTimes.com
- Researchers unlock secrets of 1918 flu pandemic | Science & Health | Reuters
- Slashdot | How the City Hurts Your Brain [Interesting.]
- They're Playing My Song. Time to Work Out. - New York Times
- Language Log: Whom shall I say [ ___ is calling ]?
- Op-Ed Contributors - The I's Have It - NYTimes.com
- Who you callin' ungrammatical? - The Boston Globe
Mental Health
- Combined Therapy Is Reported to Ease Anxiety in Children - NYTimes.com
- Health Buzz: America's Happiest States and Other Health News - US News and World Report
- Mental Illness Doesn't Predict Violent Behavior - US News and World Report
- Task Force Recommends Screening Adolescents for Clinical Depression - FOXBusiness.com
- The Associated Press: Study: Zoloft and Cipralex better than other drugs
- $200 Laptops Break a Business Model - NYTimes.com
- 25 Years of Mac: From Boxy Beige to Silver Sleek [Yay, Mac! I remember our family's Mac Plus, circa 1986, very well. And the first time I saw a color monitor. It was amazing!]
- As Facebook turns 5, a look back east | The Social - CNET News
- Craigslist Agrees to Curb Prostitution Ads - NYTimes.com
- Freedom to surf: workers more productive if allowed to use the internet for leisure : News : The University of Melbourne [Too busy
surfing the netdoing work to read this...] - Google Claims Orphan Books, Raising Alarm in Academia - NYTimes.com
- Hoping to Make iPhone Toys as a Full-Time Job - NYTimes.com
- idle.slashdot.org | California May Reduce Carbon Emissions By Banning Black Cars
- Itineraries - Internet Use Grows at Meetings, as Do Challenges - NYTimes.com
- Kindling a Revolution: E Ink's Russ Wilcox on E-Paper, Amazon, and the Future of Publishing | Xconomy
- Online Age Quiz Is a Window for Drug Makers - NYTimes.com
- Open Up Government Data - Wired How-To Wiki
- Ping - Consumers Are Choosing Simpler Electronic Gadgets - NYTimes.com
- Slashdot | Facebook Nudity Policy Draws Nursing Moms' Ire
- Slashdot | Google To Monitor Surfing Habits For Ad-Serving
- Slashdot | Is Your IM Buddy Really a Computer?
- Slashdot| YouTube Symphony Orchestra Set To Debut At Carnegie Hall [Cool!]
- Social RSS reader Streamy now open to everyone | Webware - CNET
- The Medium - I Hate My iPhone - NYTimes.com
- What Google should learn from Apple | Technically Incorrect - CNET News
- Wired Blogs: Gadget Lab
- Eating Food That's Better for You, Organic or Not - NYTimes.com
- Is a Food Revolution Now in Season? - NYTimes.com
- 'Miracle fruit' turns sour things sweet - CNN.com
- Op-Ed Contributor - The Maggots in Your Mushrooms - NYTimes.com
- The Bacon Explosion - Take Bacon. Add Sausage. Blog. - NYTimes.com
- What to do with the kale, turnips, and parsley that overwhelm your CSA bin. - By Catherine Price - Slate Magazine
- Blog of Rights: Official Blog of the American Civil Liberties Union » Mobile County Agrees to Reintegrate Boys and Girls in Public Schools
- Do Pregnant Women Have Rights? | | AlterNet
- Dora the Explorer No More? - On Parenting
- globeandmail.com: Men open up like never before
- Lesbian Communities Struggle to Stay Vital to a New Generation - NYTimes.com
- Ynet המתגיירות טובלות, הדיינים צופים - יהדות
- 2 Kids + 0 Husbands = Family - Some Mothers, Single by Choice, Stick Together - NYTimes.com
- Commentary: Are eight babies more than enough? - CNN.com
- Op-Ed Contributor - Education Is All in Your Mind - NYTimes.com
- SAT Changes Policy, Opening Rift With Colleges - NYTimes.com
- The Big Test Before College? The Financial Aid Form - NYTimes.com
- Holiday Movies - Five Breakthrough Performances - NYTimes.com
- Schroeder Played Real Beethoven in Charles M. Schulz's 'Peanuts' Strip - NYTimes.com
- Top 10 Wired Shadow Photos, Decided by You
- A model of biblical proportions: man spends 30 years creating a model of Herod's Temple - Telegraph
- Barkat may stop J'lem light rail project | In Jerusalem | Jerusalem Post
- Farmers find monastery beneath Israeli soil - CNN.com
- Israeli Nonprofits, Shaken by Madoff Scandal, Regroup - NYTimes.com
- Not Just a Holy Land: Why the Deification of Israel Hurts Us | PresenTense
- My Jewish Learning: Orthodoxy's Limitations
- My Jewish Learning: Orthodoxy's Power
- N.Y. Hasids take Pennsylvania Amish on a neighborhood tour - Haaretz - Israel News
- Religious Leaders Battle Bill to Open Abuse Claims in New York - NYTimes.com
- CapeCodTimes.com - Quinoa fritters make great pre-Seder snack
- Kosher-For-Passover Matzo (Parve, Passover)
- Moses is Departing Egypt: A Facebook Haggadah
- Orthodox passover rebels do away with Ashkenazic ban on legumes - Haaretz - Israel News
Obama, Etc. (remember, I started this list in October)
- A Portrait of Change - Nation's Many Faces in Extended First Family - NYTimes.com
- Barack Obama's Rabbi - Capers Funnye - Profile - NYTimes.com
- Commentary: Will Obama use 'Facebook politics'? - CNN.com
- Editorial - Barack Obama - Editorial Board - Endorsement - NYTimes.com
- Op-Chart - How Much Is Your Vote Worth? - Op-Ed - NYTimes.com
- Op-Ed Columnist – Barack’s Continental Coolness - NYTimes.com
- Op-Ed Columnist - Our Election Whopper - NYTimes.com
- Op-Ed Columnist - The Endorsement From Hell - NYTimes.com
- RNC chairman condemns controversial Obama song - CNN.com
- Sea change in U.S. politics after race for president - International Herald Tribune
- The Associated Press: Obama wants to overhaul health care; can he do it?
The Economy
- Appeal of the Dollar Adds to Woes Abroad - NYTimes.com
- Bad economy? Do what you love - CNN.com
- Bargain Hunting for Books, and Feeling Sheepish About It - NYTimes.com [Yeah. I relate to this one.]
- Budget concerns force states to reconsider the death penalty - CNN.com
- Editorial Observer - With the Downturn, It’s Time to Rethink the Legal Profession - NYTimes.com [Kind of glad I didn't go to law school any of the many times someone told me that I should.]
- Endowment Director Is on Harvard's Hot Seat - NYTimes.com
- Findings - Oversaving, a Burden for Our Times - NYTimes.com
- For Papers, a Downsizing Trickle Becomes a Flood - NYTimes.com
- Harvard: the Inside Story of Its Finance Meltdown - Forbes.com
- Humanities Ph.D.'s Are Anticipating Hard Times - NYTimes.com [Kind of glad I didn't go to grad school to get a PhD in History any of the many times someone told me that I should.]
- In a slump, camping comes into vogue - CNN.com
- The Reckoning - Bush's Philosophy Stoked the Mortgage Bonfire - Series - NYTimes.com
- The Reckoning - From Midwest to M.T.A., Pain From Global Gamble - Series - NYTimes.com
- The Reckoning - WaMu Built an Empire on Bad Loans - Series - NYTimes.com
- Unannounced Layoffs Hit Workers by the Thousands - NYTimes.com
Real Estate
World News
- Karzai: Afghanistan to review criticized sharia law - CNN.com
- Memo From Beijing - Chinese Learn Limits of Online Freedom as the Filter Tightens - NYTimes.com
- Often Split, Arab Leaders Unite for Sudan's Chief - NYTimes.com
- Op-Ed Columnist - China to the Rescue? Not! - NYTimes.com
A Selection of New York Times Op-Eds
- Op-Ed Columnist - Hope Amid the Gloom - NYTimes.com
- Op-Ed Columnist - Miracles Take Time - NYTimes.com
- Op-Ed Columnist - Paging Uncle Sam - NYTimes.com
- Op-Ed Columnist - Pregnant (Again) and Poor - NYTimes.com
- Op-Ed Columnist - The End of Philosophy - NYTimes.com
- Op-Ed Columnist - The Price Is Not Right - NYTimes.com
- Op-Ed Columnist - What Life Asks of Us - NYTimes.com
- Op-Ed Contributor - My Children Made Me Do It - NYTimes.com
- Op-Ed Contributor - My Secret Life - NYTimes.com
- Op-Ed Contributor - One Ride Forward, Two Steps Back - NYTimes.com
- Advertising - The Body as Billboard - Your Ad Here - NYTimes.com
- Commentary: We owe oldest Americans an apology - CNN.com
- Custom Solutions to Office Clutter - NYTimes.com
- Dept. of Disputation: Red Sex, Blue Sex: Reporting & Essays: The New Yorker
- Findings - For Good Self-Control, Try Getting Religious About It - NYTimes.com
- GM, Segway partner on two-wheel city vehicle | Green Tech - CNET News
- Gobekli Tepe: The World's First Temple? | History & Archaeology | Smithsonian Magazine
- Harvard Medical School in Ethics Quandary - NYTimes.com
- Health System Program That Guarantees Doing Things Right the First Time, for Flat Fee, Pays Off - washingtonpost.com
- Messinger hears White House message on Darfur | Capital J | JTA - Jewish & Israel News
- Self-Publishers Flourish as Writers Pay the Tab - NYTimes.com
- Slashdot| Huge German Donation Marks Wikipedia's Evolution
- Suddenly, infrastructure is cool again | Coop's Corner - CNET News
- The Gospel of Consumption | Orion Magazine
- The Swiss Bank UBS Is Set to Open Its Secret Files - NYTimes.com
- True Fromance - New York Post [This may be the best article in the whole bunch!]
- Virginity pledges don't mean much, study says - CNN.com
Labels: gender, Israel, links, Pesach, science/health/environment
מילונים, a.k.a., words and books combined into deliciousness
מילה בלועזית | תרגום בעברית | מילה חדשה |
passenger van | רכב המיועד להסעת 8–12 נוסעים ומטענם | סָעוֹן |
מיני ואן | מכונית גדולה המיועדת להסעת 5–8 נוסעים ומטענם. בתקנות התעבורה מכונה רֶכֶב פְּרָטִי דּוּ-שִׁמּוּשִׁי | סְעוֹנִית |
GPS navigator | התקן מערכת איכון המשמש לניווּט | נַוְטָן |
GPS locator | התקן מערכת איכון המשמש לזיהוי מקום | אַכָּן |
passenger capacity/limit | מספר האנשים המרבי שרכב יכול להכיל; לרוב בתחבורה ציבורית | דְּחֻסָּה |
"שאטל" | כלי תחבורה המסיע נוסעים ממקום מסוים ואליו, לעתים תכופות או באופן סדיר ובדרך כלל אינו חלק ממערכת הת"ץ הסדירה | הֶסֵּעִית |
"ח'אפֶּר" | רכב לא מורשה הנוסע במסלול של תחבורה ציבורית סדירה ו"חוטף" את הנוסעים מתחנות השירות הציבורי | חַטְפָנִית |
[There is no word for this in English as far as I know.] | התקן המציג מסר בכתב או בסמל התקֵף בעת הארתו. למשל: סמל של סיגריה ועליו פס ביטול או סמל של חגורת בטיחות | מַזְהֵר. רבים: מַזְהֲרִים. |
רמפה | כביש חיבור המשמש למעבר בין שתי דרכים באותו מחלף; | מֶחְבָּר |
[I have no idea what this is] | רכב מסחרי לא-אחוד, מכונה טֶנְדֶּר | מִטְעָנִית |
moving sidewalk | רצועה הנעה לאטה בהינע חשמלי המאפשרת לאנשים לעמוד עליה או ללכת עליה כדי לעבור ממקום למקום. בשימוש בנמלי תעופה | מַסּוֹעַ לֶכֶת |
delivery van | רכב מסחרי אחוד | מִשְׁלוֹחִית |
[merging and its opposite—dividing?; I don't think there's one word for this in English] | התמזגות והיפרדות סמוכות מאוד של כלי רכב הנוסעים באותו כיוון בכביש | הִשְׁתַּזְּרוּת |
Labels: books/reading, Hebrew, Israel, words