Purim funnies
Can I just say that I love having this day between Ta'anit Esther and (Shushan) Purim? It's great! Especially since I have the day off. I hate being hungry for the evening megillah reading and then the temptation of all the junk that's usually available immediately thereafter. I did make the mistake of breaking my fast on pizza last night, though, and then being very, very, very thirsty as I was delivering food packages to some elderly poor.
Note to self: Stop after the water, bell pepper, hummus, and rice cakes. Skip the pizza.

I have one little vent to share. I was delivering these food packages and some of the people we visited wanted to give us something small in return. I felt it was important to politely say "no" but then to take whatever was offered. It must be hard enough to accept charity without your own hospitality being rejected! I accepted an orange from a woman (most were giving out fruit or chocolate), and since I was so incredibly thirsty, I immediately opened it and began to eat it. Sweet tangy juice! One of my co-volunteers was shocked that I would eat it--she actually called me "brave." When I asked her what she meant, she muttered something about it having cooties. This was the same person who was incensed that such poverty existed in modern day Jerusalem, and didn't understand why "the government" didn't do more to help them. If you aren't willing to eat the generously-offered orange of a poor, elderly, Russian woman, I ask you: How is she going to get a job and get out of poverty? Poor people don't have cooties, nor do their oranges. I just don't understand people sometimes. When I feel bad about not doing more to help people (and I do, often--just not often enough to go out and do something about it), I can at least comfort myself with the thought that I don't think that poor, elderly Russians have the cooties. Rant over.
Happy Purim to those celebrating both today and tomorrow!
I met a Jew...
It made me wonder if Jews from Persia feel differently about Purim than Jews from other parts of the world. Do they celebrate it more personally? Differently? Do they claim special ownership over it? Is Bostonian:Patriot's Day like Persian Jew:Purim?